cultural borders

TED Talk on Cultural Borders and Identity

TED Talk on Cultural Borders and Identity After receiving feedback from your partner for peer review, please make necessary edits and corrections to your TED Talk Essay. Once done, save your final draft (including a Works Cited page as the last page) and submit your project for grading by uploading the file here in either … Read more

The Revolutionary Power of Diverse Thought

The Revolutionary Power of Diverse Thought To continue our discussion of cultural borders, I want us to watch a TED talk by Turkish author Elif Shafak. “In this passionate, personal talk, she reminds us that there are no binaries, in politics, emotions and our identities. ‘One should never, ever remain silent for fear of complexity,’ … Read more

Roma (2018) Film-(Viewing & Reflection)

Roma (2018) Film-(Viewing & Reflection) This week, our extra credit opportunity comes in the form of a movie from Netflix called Roma. In this film, “Oscar winner Alfonso Cuarón delivers a vivid, emotional portrait of a domestic worker’s journey set against domestic and political turmoil in 1970s Mexico” (Netflix). If you do have time and effort to … Read more

Thesis Proposal-TED talk on cultural borders.

Thesis Proposal-TED talk on cultural borders. DIRECTIONS: Your TED talk will be on the subject we have been discussing for the last few weeks, cultural borders (or boundaries) and the way they influence who we are/how our identities are formed. For example, if I was giving this TED talk, I would make an argument that … Read more

Response to at least TWO Classmates-Ted talks.

Response to at least TWO Classmates-Ted talks. Discussion 1 What is Shafak’s thesis or main points? Do you agree with her? Why or why not? Shafak’s main points are to never remain silent for fear of complexity. Also in her TedTalk, she pointing out about being feminist and stand strong in what you believe in. … Read more

Response to Partner on cultural borders and identity.

Response to Partner on cultural borders and identity. Step 4: Once you are done commenting, go onto the next page (add a new page to the writer’s essay) and answer the following questions: Does the writer begin with a story? Is it an effective story? What details could the writer add to it? Does the writer … Read more

Small Group Discussion: “Defining American”

Small Group Discussion: “Defining American” Directions: For small group discussion this week I want you to watch a short, informative video entitled “Defining American” by The Future of StoryTelling and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas which centers around cultural borders and the topic of immigration. After you have watched the video, please answer … Read more

Privilege Annotation Worksheet

Privilege Annotation Worksheet DIRECTIONS: To continue the theme of cultural borders, I would like us to read an essay by Mexican-American artist and storyteller Mireya S. Vela. In her work, she discusses how growing up in an abusive household and as an introvert cultural impacts how she navigates the relationships with her neighbors. STEP 1: … Read more

What are Cultural Borders?

What are Cultural Borders? DIRECTIONS: This journal is split into two parts. Make sure to complete both for this journal assignment. Part I In our last unit, we talked about educational borders. Now, we will switch gears, and think about a different kind of border, a cultural border. These borders, like our educational ones, aren’t … Read more

“Leaving Your Name at the Border” by Manuel Muñoz.

“Leaving Your Name at the Border” by Manuel Muñoz. DIRECTIONS: This week we are starting Project 2 on Cultural Borders. As we have talked about a little bit now, language can create a cultural border. The way we perceive and pronounce names can contribute to that. We are starting this unit by reading “Leaving Your … Read more