public health

Policies of a Compliance Plan on Hand Washing  Between Patients

Policies of a Compliance Plan on Hand Washing  Between Patients Now, you are to present the policies for your two compliance plans in a way that all employees will understand at a large medical facility where you are the Compliance Officer. Look these over in your research, and then select just two of these key … Read more

Write an essay on Health Care Workforce Globalization

Write an essay on Health Care Workforce Globalization In 300 words or less, describe a situation in which foreign trained health care professionals were hired to address the short supply of U.S. trained health care professionals; for example, shortages in physicians and nurses. In your description about the situation, please incorporate responses to the following: … Read more

Public Health Issues

Public Health Issues All of these issues are relevant and of great importance, but if you had to choose one that should have the highest priority, which one would it be? Why? Gun violence Climate Change Environmental health Health equity Health reform Tobacco Vaccines Select three priority areas from the list below: Gun violence Climate Change Environmental … Read more

Health Planning Policy Management

Health Planning Policy Management Paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not including title and references pages. References should be in APA format. Access and review the material in the following document and summarize it. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (1999). Framework for program evaluation in public health. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 48(RR-11): i-41. … Read more

“The Work of Creativity” from Csikszentmihalyi’s book

“The Work of Creativity” from Csikszentmihalyi’s book For this activity ,please read Chapter Four, “The Work of Creativity” from Csikszentmihalyi’s book Creativity. You’ll quickly see that much of what he writes is at odds with the popular, romanticized view of creativity as easy, superficial play.After you have read and thought about the chapter, describe one or … Read more

Write a letter to the Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division, recommend a communicable disease/condition

Write a letter to the Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division, recommend a communicable disease/condition Assignment instructions “Periodically states consider additions, modifications, or deletions to their list of reportable conditions. Criteria and justifications for adding a disease vary. For example, a health agency may justify the addition of a new disease to its list by … Read more

Power point on a health issue of your choice

Power point on a health issue of your choice Unit 8 Assignment: Recommending a Solution Based on Data To see the grading rubric, go to Course Resources / Grading Rubrics. Unit outcomes: Identify relevant descriptive data. Apply epidemiological thinking to a health problem or concern. Analyze trends in clinical data using descriptive statistics. Course outcomes … Read more

Discussion Board and Reply to Peers-Statistics.

Discussion Board and Reply to Peers-Statistics. In previous units we have looked at the frequency distribution and measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode). If we rely only on these tools to describe data, what important component are we missing? What is an example of this missing component? How can you apply to health … Read more

Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations

Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations  Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations (250 WORDS) Imagine that you are a public health nurse, and you and your colleagues have determined that the threat of a deadly new strain of influenza indicates a need for a mass inoculation program in your community. Answer preview: word … Read more