“The Work of Creativity” from Csikszentmihalyi’s book

“The Work of Creativity” from Csikszentmihalyi’s book

For this activity ,please read Chapter Four, “The Work of Creativity” from Csikszentmihalyi’s book Creativity. You’ll quickly see that much of what he writes is at odds with the popular, romanticized view of creativity as easy, superficial play.

After you have read and thought about the chapter, describe one or more insights into the creative process this chapter gives you. Identify a phase of the creative process where you feel the most need to devote more time or grow in your strategies. As with earlier activities, keep it casual, but put some support behind your discussion.

6 paragraphs(8-9 sentences in each)

I will send you the reading

I am public health major and family studies minor in case you need that

I have talked before that loved cooking and art

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