American Studies

Exploring and Addressing the Challenge of Lack of K-12 African American Male

Exploring and Addressing the Challenge of Lack of K-12 African American Male The assignment is to construct an introduction and background to your topic. Follow this outline to address required components: APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:1323 words

Shortest sleep duration areas in the U.S

Shortest sleep duration areas in the U.S Explore the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for sleep data by using the search terms “CDC data and statistics Short Sleep Duration Among US Adults”. Specifically explore the geographical differences in sleep duration for adults; the short sleep duration for age, sex, race, and ethnicity; and … Read more

The Lack of African American Male Educators

The Lack of African American Male Educators Dissertation Topic: A Phenomenological Study on Student Responsiveness to African American Male Educators in the Urban vs. Suburban School Setting (The Lack of African American Male Educators in the Field) Part 1: Locate five peer-reviewed articles published within the past 5 years related to a topic of interest … Read more

What is the American Dream?

What is the American Dream? 1. Things to Consider Before Watching I Am Not Your Negro question 1, What defines a “journey?” What’s the difference between a journey and a trip? Have you ever been on a journey? question 2 , What is the American Dream? 2. Things to Consider After Watching I Am Not … Read more

 Write a summary of The Sacramento  San Joaquin  Delta

 Write a summary of The Sacramento  San Joaquin  Delta Write a summary of the information in the Understanding California’s Bay Delta slide presentation. Explain what the Delta is to someone who doesn’t know anything about it. Be sure to include information about where the Delta is located and why it is so important. What are the … Read more

Create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines the advantages and disadvantages of union representation.

Create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines the advantages and disadvantages of union representation, Create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines the advantages and disadvantages of union representation, mandatory benefits in a bargaining package, how market factors may drive the bargaining process, and how these factors increase or decrease employee motivation or morale. Within your PowerPoint presentation, … Read more

GDP Report for the United States

GDP Report for the United States GDP Report for the United States , List the four components of GDP. Describe the relative size of each of the components (in absolute dollars and as a percentage of GDP) for the U.S. economy. Research the latest GDP report for the United States (start here: (Links to an external … Read more