Critique research on warm homes for older people

Critique research on warm homes for older people

Assessment Task
Using an essay format, the student is required to critique a research article listed below.
1. Read and use the article listed below: Warm homes for older people: aims and methods of a randomized community based trial for people with                COPD

2. Using the ‘Guidelines for critiquing research’ (adapted from Rumrill, Fitzgerald & Ware, 2000):
a. Critique the ‘Methods’ section and the ‘General Impressions’ section of the selected article.
b. Select one (1) additional section to critique.

3. Briefly discuss how the findings can impact on nursing practice in New Zealand.

All work must be supported by a range of relevant and up-to-date literature. Literature used to
comment on current nursing practice must have been published within the last five years.
Remember that a critique evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a piece of research rather
than describing what the researchers did.


Answer preview:

Critique of a Research Article

Words: 1,511