Describe the Community Consultation and Engagement; Elements of Engagement

Describe the Community Consultation and Engagement; Elements of Engagement.

Description: Prepare an essay to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the key foundational concepts in this unit – that is, information, consultation, and participation. Your essay should provide detailed academic discussions of each of these concepts, supported by examples taken from real-world situations.

Write an essay in which you define community engagement, and its elements of information, consultation, and participation.
Include an example of each form of community engagement (i.e. one that shows information, a different one that shows consultation, and a third one that shows participation), and relate each example to the relevant definition you have provided. These are general examples, and you don’t need to specifically refer to the client organization in this assignment.
Support your ideas with academic references, case studies, and contemporary examples.
You provide a comprehensive analysis of how and why the three key concepts occur in practice.
You provide highly appropriate examples of the key concepts in practice with strong justification for your application of each concept to the examples.
You closely integrate support for your ideas from reference sources well beyond the prescribed readings.


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