hospitality industry

Using Robotics in the Supply Chain

Using Robotics in the Supply Chain Write a 750 word paper on the supply chain. Clearly define the topic of the paper in the first paragraph. ( Use of Robotics in Supply Chain) Give facts about your selected topic that are properly cited: Parvez, M. O. (2020). Use of organizational servicesechnology for tourist and organizational services: … Read more

Discuss the technology innovation issues in OYO

Discuss the technology innovation issues in OYO You will be responsible for providing an in-depth look at the current issue in hospitality topic you previously selected and was approved by your instructor. This paper will expand on the topic beyond the issue justification you’ve already completed. At a minimum, this justification should address: 1. The … Read more

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 This paper will detail the foundation of why this act is in place, how it came to be, how it is currently implemented in the workplace, and offer suggestions for change going forward. Additionally, it should detail how this particular act is impactful to the hospitality industry … Read more