Using Robotics in the Supply Chain

Using Robotics in the Supply Chain

Write a 750 word paper on the supply chain.

  • Clearly define the topic of the paper in the first paragraph. ( Use of Robotics in Supply Chain)
  • Give facts about your selected topic that are properly cited:
  • Parvez, M. O. (2020). Use of organizational servicesechnology for tourist and organizational services: High-tech innovation in the hospitality industry. Journal of Tourism Futures, Ahead-of-print(Ahead-of-print). doi:10.1108/jtf-09-2019-0083
  • Tung, V.W.S., and Au, N. (2018). Exploring customer experiences with robotics in hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 30(7). 2680-2697.
  • Include at least one example of your topic based on an actual company (not an example given in the textbook nor in the videos provided as part of this course). (Hen-na Hotel in Japan)
  • Clearly state and identify your opinion about three possible benefits, ramifications, or solutions. These too should be supported with cited references.
  • 750 words. An extra point is given for submitting exactly 750 words. Points are deducted for writing a paper that is too short or too long. This assignment is for 750 words.
  • Word count includes title and student’s name (once), and the body of the paper.
  • Word count does not include the reference page, instructor’s name, course number, page number, etc.
  • The paper is to include cited references from two academic journals. An academic journal is a peer-reviewed periodical related to a particular academic discipline. Academic journals are notpublications such as newspapers, magazines, books, organizational or governmental white papers, or unpublished conference presentations. If you are still unclear, do an Internet search on peer-reviewed academic journals or talk to the instructor.
  • Direct quotes may not exceed 20% of the paper.
  • Present paper double spaced, using 12 point Times New Roman on all elements of the paper, and with pages numbered at the bottom using the format “Name – 1”.
  • Do not include the name of the class, time and place of the class, instructor’s name, and other unnecessary information. These will not be included in the word count.
  • Do not include footnotes. These will not be included in the word count.
  • Do not include a title page. This will not be included in the word count.

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word limit:750