High blood pressure


RISK FACTORS THAT AFFECT OBESITY LIKE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.  Purpose: This assignment will provide the student with an opportunity to identify and implement a teaching plan that will provide patients/clients with information regarding health promotion and disease prevention. Procedure: This is a group project. 1. Students will work in their clinical groups. 2. With faculty … Read more

Research and Summaries: Hypertension

Research and Summaries: Hypertension The condition, also called high blood pressure, refers to a higher than normal consistent force that is exerted by blood against blood vessel walls, usually arteries. Though a person’s blood pressure varies considerably throughout the day depending on the respective individual’s levels of activities, there are established standard guidelines that define … Read more

Write a comprehensive paper on Dealing with Hypertension

Write a comprehensive paper on Dealing with Hypertension Context The principles and philosophy of primary healthcare, health promotion and community development practice will be called upon in exploring the health of individuals and communities. Health professionals need to develop their capacity for empathy and understanding of the lived experience of vulnerable population groups as well … Read more