Disease Prevention

Controlling stress by exercising , dancing(zumba)

Controlling stress by exercising , dancing(zumba) Purpose: This assignment will provide the student with the opportunity to reflect upon their own health and develop a plan for health promotion, disease prevention, or risk reduction. Procedure: 1. Students will reflect upon their own health and identify an issue to focus on throughout the semester. The health issue … Read more

Case Manager Job Description

Case Manager Job Description Peter R Kongstvedt states, “The case manager is consistently challenged with managing fiscal constraints with patient expectations in light of orders and expectations articulated by the care team. This requires a highly skilled individual, certainly not a job for the faint of heart.” The case manager can also play a role … Read more

Analyze the Low Income Hispanic Population

Analyze the Low Income Hispanic Population Identify a population that you will likely serve as an advanced registered nurse that you think is particularly vulnerable to issues of health disparities/inequity. Discuss the contribution of your particular specialty to health promotion and disease prevention for this population. How do issues of diversity and global perspectives of … Read more

Public Health: Health Promotion And Disease Prevention

Public Health: Health Promotion And Disease Prevention Review the Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators. This is a two part assignment. Select one leading health indicator, and research a state-level health prevention program aimed at achieving it. Locate your state’s vital statistics, census data, or other available state-level public health statistics to compare the outcomes of the selected … Read more

Describe Patient centered Improvement of Health and Disease Prevention

Describe Patient centered Improvement of Health and Disease Prevention Read and Review Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health. Post one paragraph addressing the following: Why are health promotion and disease prevention at the individual and population level important components of baccalaureate generalist nursing practice? Write a second paragraph describing how you met Essential VII … Read more