
Create an Effective Customer Service Training Program

Create an Effective Customer Service Training Program Chapter 3 of the textbook describes the analysis stage of ADDIE. In this step, a training needs analysis is required. Based on the training needs analysis, describe a training course that could be used for your current job position (customer service associate in technical support). How will the … Read more

Discussion question-Operation Management in Organizations.

Discussion question-Operation Management in Organizations. Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines Lean manufacturing is a philosophy of production that focuses on the minimization of resources used throughout the organization in the production of goods and services. Lean manufacturing involves identifying and eliminating non-value adding activities in design, production, supply-chain … Read more

Operation Management DQ

Operation Management DQ Lean manufacturing is a philosophy of production that focuses on the minimization of resources used throughout the organization in the production of goods and services. Lean manufacturing involves identifying and eliminating non-value adding activities in design, production, supply-chain management, and in dealing with the customers. Select a manufacturing business in the Middle … Read more

Discuss the Importance of information systems

Discuss the Importance of information systems Discussion: This week we discuss each of the different roles that people play in the design, development, and use of information systems. Please also explain the importance of where the information systems function is placed and the various types of users of information systems. Instructions: Need minimum 300 words … Read more

Discuss about fashion designs.

Discuss about fashion designs. Answer this question: The speaker in the video explains that copyright protection is not available to fashion designers. Should copyright protection be available in this industry? Why or why not? word limit:300

Discuss the application of corporate law

Discuss the application of corporate law Discuss the application of corporate law.Terence studies jewellery design at Charles Sturt University. After he graduates, he sets up a business called ‘Terry’s Terrific Designs’. He employs Peter and Sara, who are also CSU graduates to work for him. Peter is appointed as Supplies Purchaser and Sara as a … Read more

Describe Implications of the Future

Describe Implications of the Future Thinking about the material presented this week, what are the implications for the future with which business should be concerned today? What are your ideas for overcoming these future issues? Discuss strategies to tackle the resistance to change you might experience. Organizational Theory, design, and change -Gareth R. Jones 7th … Read more

Write an  essay on Sexual Harassment at the Work Place

Write an  essay on Sexual Harassment at the Work Place There are several standardized training events in large organizations that are required annually or biannually. One of these is often sexual harassment. For this assignment, write a training plan for all employees in your firm to educate and develop their awareness of sexual harassment and … Read more

Discuss the Implications of the Future

Discuss the Implications of the Future Thinking about the material presented this week, what are the implications for the future with which business should be concerned today? What are your ideas for overcoming these future issues? Discuss strategies to tackle the resistance to change you might experience. Organizational Theory, design, and change -Gareth R. Jones … Read more