corporate social responsibility

Discussion-The Business and Society Relationship

Discussion-The Business and Society Relationship Topics The Business and Society Relationship Corporate Social Responsibility, Citizenship, and Sustainability The Stakeholder Approach to Business, Society, and Ethics Question Select a company and research recent news items that have been released regarding the company. In a written response, note whether the articles were positive or negative for the … Read more

Assignment-Corporate Social Responsibility

Assignment-Corporate Social Responsibility Question Read the June 14, 2012 Wall Street Journal article entitled “The Case Against Corporate Social Responsibility,” by Dr. Aneel Karnani (see Independently research academic and business responses to this article and summarize the arguments for and against Corporate Social Responsibility based upon your review of Dr. Karnani’s article and your own … Read more

Explain how the organization in the video or article demonstrates corporate social responsibility.

Explain how the organization in the video or article demonstrates corporate social responsibility. Organizations are increasingly concerned with sustainability and corporate social responsibility – whether for business, legal, or values-based reasons. The HR function is uniquely positioned to assist in both developing and implementing a sustainability strategy. Go to The Guardian’s Corporate Social Responsibility (Links to … Read more

Write a discussion about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Write a discussion about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).   This week’s discussion is about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), focusing on the briefcase study TOMS Puts Its Right Foot Forward, (p. 102). As a leader, Blake Mycoskie’s decision to make the “One for One” philosophy the central tenet for his organization brings Corporate Social Responsibility to the forefront … Read more

Discussion Question, Decision Theory course

Discussion Question, Decision Theory course This week’s discussion is about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), focusing on the briefcase study TOMS Puts Its Right Foot Forward, (p. 102). As a leader, Blake Mycoskie’s decision to make the “One for One” philosophy the central tenet for his organization brings Corporate Social Responsibility to the forefront of the company. Thinking … Read more

Thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility

Thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility This week’s discussion is about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), focusing on the briefcase study TOMS Puts Its Right Foot Forward, (p. 102). As a leader, Blake Mycoskie’s decision to make the “One for One” philosophy the central tenet for his organization brings Corporate Social Responsibility to the forefront of the … Read more

Merging Corporate Social Responsibility with the Company’s Strategy-Discussion.

Merging Corporate Social Responsibility with the Company’s Strategy-Discussion. This week’s discussion is about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), focusing on the briefcase study TOMS Puts Its Right Foot Forward, (p. 102). As a leader, Blake Mycoskie’s decision to make the “One for One” philosophy the central tenet for his organization brings Corporate Social Responsibility to the forefront of … Read more

Decision Theory Discussion

Decision Theory Discussion This week’s discussion is about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), focusing on the briefcase study TOMS Puts Its Right Foot Forward, (p. 102). As a leader, Blake Mycoskie’s decision to make the “One for One” philosophy the central tenet for his organization brings Corporate Social Responsibility to the forefront of the company. Thinking about the … Read more

Write a response on Corporate social responsibility

Write a response on Corporate social responsibility Corporate social responsibility has four components. Do you agree that public firms should address all four elements? Why or why not? If not, where should the firm “draw the line?” Please provide an example to explain your logic. The assignment is to answer the question provided above in … Read more