Reflective Essay: Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care

Reflective Essay: Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care

English (U.S.)
Order Type:          Essay
Subject:          Nursing
Order Topic:          Legal and ethical issues in health care
Instruction: Structured reflective paper utilizing Driscoll’s reflective frame work
CNA 308 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care
As students many of you will have approached your learning in a passive way. This means
you have read the textbooks and journal articles, listened to the lectures and rote learned for
exams without actively engaging in the discussions, tutorials or resources. In contrast,
reflective learning requires you to become an active participant in your own learning by:
challenging your assumptions, asking new questions, extending the relevance of theory and
deepening your understanding of everyday life and practice.
Reflection allows us to integrate theory into practice and allows us to consider deeply
something we may not have given much thought to. Reflection is concerned with consciously
looking at and thinking about our experiences, actions, feelings and responses and then
interpreting and analysing them in order to learn from them (Boud et al 1994).
Thinking and writing are closely connected processes. Thinking about your learning and
writing it down helps to clarify your thoughts and emotions and the development of new
ways in which to view the experience and in the case of health care professionals, your
practice. Reflection on academic content or practice may enable you to make your personal
beliefs, biases and expectations clearer to you.
Reflective Journals
Reflective journals are a vehicle for reflection. They are usually kept as an ongoing tool to
enable you to reflect on learning, experience or practice over time. They may have many
different styles.
What is the purpose of keeping a journal?
Maintaining a journal should be adopted as part of your learning and professional practice.
The value of maintaining a journal includes:
1. It is a personal means of recording your own thoughts, experience and analysis with focus
and order.
2. It enhances your learning skills because it will force you to deal with issues, questions and
“messy’ information that is not straight forward.
3. It helps generate personal-practical knowledge and enables you to learn from it
4. It enables healthcare professionals to become ‘self-conscious’ in a positive way.
5. It enables you to create a record of the connections and meanings you are making from
either academic content or practice.
6. It provides an opportunity for a heightened awareness that comes with reflection to
generate new understandings or a completely new perspective.
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