Music Art Lesson Plan for Pre-Kindergarten Children

Music Art Lesson Plan for Pre-Kindergarten Children

Use the “Lesson Planning Ideas for Integration” document to brainstorm ideas for a music lesson plan on Topic 4 section for Birth to Age 5/Pre-K.

Use the format of one of the “Lesson Plan Templates” and one of your ideas to create and implement a lesson plan that integrates a content subject area and contains the following information:

  1. Clear, measurable learning objectives that align to early learning standards (ELS) as well as your state’s subject standards.
  2. Anticipatory set (Anticipatory set, vocabulary, reasoning and problem solving are stimulating and appropriate for the learners).
  3. Vocabulary (Anticipatory set, vocabulary, reasoning and problem solving are stimulating and appropriate for the learners).
  4. Reasoning and problem-solving (
  5. Relevant materials and resources including visual or audio resources (Materials and resources are developmentally appropriate and relevant, but do not take into consideration multiple learning styles).
  6. Differentiation of instruction to address the diverse needs of students. Name the differentiation strategies used to achieve individual learning outcomes (Differentiation of instruction uses developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate strategies to address the diverse needs of students. Differentiation strategies used to achieve individual learning outcomes are basic, but clearly identified).
  7. Assessments( Assessments align to the objectives and are appropriate for the learners. Modified assessment is offered to address identified differentiation)

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