Discuss Mrs. Connie Brownstone Case Study

Discuss Mrs. Connie Brownstone Case Study

Its case study related to my nursing clinical placement area High dependency unit ICU. Need to follow Lovett jone’s clinical reasoning cycles.   You will need to choose and respond to the case study for the nursing specialty in which you have been allocated a clinical placement.
In your case study, you are required to utilise the Levett-Jones (2013) Clinical Reasoning Cycle to plan and evaluate person-centred care as per the given case study scenarios found on LEO, you need to specifically detail:
• The person’s situation, response to collect cues and the processing of the related health information
• At least three (3) problems/issues based on the health assessment data that you have identified for the person at the centre of care.
• Establish goals for priority of nursing care as related to the nursing problem/issues identified
• Discuss the nursing care of the person; linked to health assessment data and history.
• Evaluate your nursing care strategies to justify the nursing care provided
• Reflect on the person’s outcomes
Your response must relate to your allocated area of clinical nursing specialty

Mrs. Connie Brownstone

Mrs. Connie Brownstone is a 79 year old women admitted to the Emergency Department (ED).  Connie was brought into the ED by her daughter with a one-day history of fluctuating shortness of breath/dyspnoea unrelieved by medication.

Triage Nurse Assessment:

  • Vital signs: RR 35, SpO2 90% (room air), HR 125bpm, RR 35, Temp 39.4° Celsius, BP 168/70;
  • Physical assessment: Dyspnoea, very anxious, audible expiratory wheeze;
  • Past history: Asthma, allergies to pollen and dust mite, ICU admission 5 years ago (endotracheal intubation and ventilation for 2 days – status  asthmaticus).
  • Medications: (1) Ventolin, and (2) Ipratropium bromide.

Due to her respiratory distress, Connie was triaged as a category 2, as per the Australasian Triage Scale, and brought directly from the waiting room into a HDU monitored cubicle where you are the ED nurse allocated to her care (Department of Health and Aging, 2009). Oxygen of 6L/min was applied via the Hudson Mask.


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