Discuss the Health and Socioeconomic Inequality in Indigenous Community

Discuss the Health and Socioeconomic Inequality in Indigenous Community

This task will allow you to gain feedback on your research and writing skills. This assessment relates to Learning Outcomes 1, 2, and 3:

Describe the principle of structural inequality and explain its relationship to the social divisions of class, gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, and age. Articulate the relationship between structural inequality and life chances in producing social injustice in Australia. Discuss the ways in which social concepts (race, gender, class, sexuality, age) and legal concepts(human rights, citizenship, justice) interact to produce social injustice.You are required to choose one of the groups explored in Module 2 (those experiencing poverty, women,
Indigenous Australians, sexual minorities, young people) and compile a brief report offering:
 a broad snapshot of the key forms of disadvantage and injustice/inequality that this group experiences in Australian society (using statistics from two of the following contexts: socio-economic position, education, health, or criminal justice)
 a discussion on how this information illustrates disadvantage and inequality for this group, using at least two unit concepts discussed in Modules 1 and 2 (such as life chances, structural inequality, lottery of birth,white race privilege), which we use when we talk about inequality and disadvantage.
The following detailed instructions will help you complete this task.

Step 1. Choose a group from Module 2. You might wish to narrow this down a little. For example, if you choose poverty, you might like to just discuss the homeless, or if you choose sexuality, you might like to just discuss gay men. This will help provide some focus for your report and may make clearer –just don’t narrow this down so much that you make it hard for yourself. For example, do not narrow it down to something too specific, like  ‘disadvantaged women experiencing domestic violence’, as this will make it too difficult. Your tutor will be able to help with this.
Step 2. Decide which statistics illustrate disadvantage for that group. Your report must contain information
from two of the following contexts:
• Socio-economic statistics (e.g. income/wealth/employment)
• Education statistics
• Health statistics
• Criminal justice statistics
Think about what key pieces of information to gather – what information would best illustrate disadvantage and inequality for the group you have chosen? While this might change as you look through the information that you gather, it is important that you have an idea so that you can easily
navigate the information. If you are stuck here, think back to the lectures, tutorials, and your textbook to help you. We discuss some of these factors in the textbook and in class, so use this as your starting point. Just make sure you do not simply copy the material in the textbook or lecture slides – use these as a prompt for your own thinking.
Step 3. Decide which unit concepts to include i.e. which unit concepts (such as life chances, structural inequality, lottery of birth, white race privilege, male privilege, othering, cultural capital) are relevant to your discussion of inequality and disadvantage for your group? You need to choose at least two. Thinking about this will help you choose which information to gather as well. If you are stuck, revisit the textbook reading and class discussions for that week. Keep in mind that the unit concepts should be general ones that impact all groups discussed in Module 2 (such as structural inequality), and those that are relevant to the specific group you discuss (such as white race privilege).
Step 4. Find relevant statistics by consulting appropriate and authoritative sources. These sources can include the Australian Institute of Criminology, the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Human Rights Commission, Amnesty International, and so on. This information could also come from a research report commissioned on a specific issue, or, of course, academic research. There are some links and reports on the Blackboard site, which can help you here.
Step 5.Write your Report. You need to a) discuss the information that you have found (you can also use some pertinent diagrams to illustrate this data), and b) briefly ‘unpack’ that information. That is, you need to provide some explanation for how this information demonstrates inequality/disadvantage (i.e. why you chose to discuss it), and how it relates to the unit concepts (e.g. what impact those particular statistics might have on life chances, or how they illustrate structural inequality). Remember, while you will be spending some time describing the information/statistics that you find, make sure that you offer relevant analysis as well. You will be doing this largely through your discussion
of the unit concepts and why the information that you have provided is relevant for understanding disadvantage and inequality.
Note: Your report will be marked on the basis of the information/statistics you select and discuss, and how well you use them and the unit concepts to paint a picture of disadvantage and inequality for your chosen group. Those students that tie this information together in a sophisticated way will receive a higher mark than those that offer only description. In addition, those students who can demonstrate a deep engagement with the unit material and originality of thought through the information that they select to discuss will gain a higher mark than those who focus only on information discussed in class. Please consult the criteria sheet for more detailed guidance.
Academic Sources:
To find information for this report, you will need to consult appropriate and authoritative websites such as the Australian Institute of Criminology, the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Human Rights Commission and Amnesty International. Additional information could also come from a research report commissioned on a specific issue, or, of course, from academic research found in journal articles. There are some links and reports on the JSB171 Blackboard site. There is no limit on the number of sources you may include in this assessment but all sources must be correctly cited in text using the Harvard system (do not use footnotes), and a correctly formatted reference list must be provided. You must provide at least 10 references.
Suggested layout/structure:
This should be a brief and clear statement introducing your topic and outlining the content of your report. HINT: It is best practice to include KEY WORDS from the question in your introduction. This helps the marker know that you have read, understood and are actually attempting to answer the set question. You may want to define any relevant unit concepts in this section.
It would be a good idea to structure your report with sub-headings around the key contexts you must discuss (i.e. 2 x 400 word paragraphs on the statistics that you chose to discuss or similar).
Your concluding statement should draw together your work. Here you should provide the following:
• A series of brief statements outlining the key points you have made in each section of your report
• A strong statement which ties together your work
Reference List
Your reference list should be in Harvard format, be single spaced and listed alphabetically by first author’s surname. Do NOT divide into type of source (i.e books, journal articles, web sources). Your reference list should be titled as such and be tidily presented. The reference list is not included in the word count.
Your report must be double spaced and in 12 point font. Use sub-headings to identify each section of the report (e.g. Introduction, sub headings which reflect the two key contexts, Conclusion). It is important to make your report look as professional as possible. A professional report will include:
Useful Library resources:
Assignment Calculator: http://studywell.library.qut.edu.au/multimedia_files/assignment_calculator/index.php
Finding Academic Sources for Social Justice & Inclusion http://libguides.library.qut.edu.au/social_justice
Report Writing: http://studywell.library.qut.edu.au/pdf_files/WRITING_WritingStructureOverview.pdf
QUT Harvard Referencing: http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/qutcite.jsp#harvard


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