Effects of Age and Sex on the Results of an Ankle Plantar-Flexor Manual Muscle Test

Effects of Age and Sex on the Results of an Ankle Plantar-Flexor Manual Muscle Test

  1. Read to understand your assigned research article related to manual muscle testing (MMT). Hint: You may need to read more than once.
  2. Summarize and analyze the article (i.e. what it is about? to whom might be important? What is the significance of the topic in relation to physical therapy? What are the possible implications for the clinic and/or future research?)
  • Purpose
  • Design, Methods and Procedures
  • Results
  • Strength and weakness of the study (one of each)
  • Clinical Implications
    • Avoid plagiarism (this will be limited to a 25% similarity index)
    • Use the Rubric Sheet provided; it helps you stay on track.
  1. Cover page (including the Course name & number, Title of the Article- use quotation marks, and your name and date of submission) is required.
  2. Format: Double-spaced; Times New Roman 12-pt font; 1-inch margins; Numbered paged; Written in 3-4 pages (not including the cover page)
  3. Pay attention to spelling accuracy and sentence construction.

Requirements: 4 Pages   |   .doc file

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Effects of Age and Sex on the Results of an Ankle Plantar-Flexor Manual Muscle Test
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