Discuss the Actionable Intelligence and Timely Reception by Authorized Consumers

Discuss the Actionable Intelligence and Timely Reception by Authorized Consumers

Write an 8 to 10-page paper on one of the following topic: Discuss the Actionable Intelligence and Timely Reception by Authorized Consumers. Be sure to add a bibliography and footnote the sources you use or quote in the paper. This includes paraphrasing and direct quotes from other writers and sources. We have studied technologies related to information management, compartmentalization and the policies driving how intelligence is shared. Write a paper discussing specific and realistic features, applications and associated policies that could be applied to improve and enhance getting actionable intelligence into the hands of authorized consumers in a timely manner. Be clear with your assumptions and be mindful of our social order and the laws that govern us.

Your paper will be evaluated as follows:

  • Research sources–don’t depend solely on internet sources-look at magazines, journals, books, as well. Don’t be naively or gullibly drawn in by the conspiracy cottage industry.
  • Organization of your paper
  • Ideas and expression
  • Writing quality, including grammar and spelling
  • Strength and practicality of your solutions
  • Footnoting
  • Bibliography


Answer preview:

Actionable intelligence
