The work of Robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Hotel Industry

The work of Robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Hotel Industry

Future Hospitality Marketing

Robots and artificial intelligence (AI) are changing the hotel industry. Some believe the robots/AI will sabotage jobs for humans and replace team members at hotels. Then there are others who believe the age of robots will free humans from “grunt” work and create more productivity such as check-in kiosks at airports or artificial intelligence (AI) concierge at hotels.

Watch the following videos and comment on the hotels of the future – high tech vs. high touch.

Where hotel is staffed by robots – BBC Click (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

These Japanese hotels are run almost entirely by robots (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


Growth Strategies in Las Vegas

The purpose of this discussion question is to identify strategic market opportunities in Las Vegas by applying product-market expansion grid (Figure 3-2).

Give specific examples of intensive growth (market penetration, product development,
and market development), integrative growth, or diversification growth strategies
adopted by specific Las Vegas corporations or companies.

What forms of growth strategies do you think are more likely to occur in Las Vegas
market in the next five years?


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