Describe what is servant leadership

Describe what is servant leadership

  1. Assignment Instructions
    Task 1
    Servant leadership is serving followers first and by paying attention to their needs, empathizing with their concerns, and supporting their growth, followers are motivating to high performance.  Similar to many other leadership theories, a leader’s behavior is evidence that serving is top priority.   The Model of Servant Leadership Behavior (Northouse, 2016) identifies seven servant leadership behaviors that can be measured an important behavior for serving others.  Review two servant leadership websites,  Robert E. Greenleaf The Center For Servant Leadership, and Servant Leader Institute,
    and select a blog on the website to share and provide further information about servant leadership behaviors.  Respond to the following questions:
    Describe the key points of the servant leadership blog you chose.
    What new insights did you learn about servant leadership?
    Review the seven leadership behaviors and using a scale of 1-7 rate their level of contribution to serving followers.  In other words, what behavior is      most important and what behavior is not as important.  Discuss why you chose the rating.
    Provide an example of the servant leadership behavior you ranked as number one. Reference: Northouse (2016) Leadership theory and practice      (7th ed) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage publications.
    Task 2
    You will analyze the findings of two skill assessments, Authentic Leadership and Servant Leadership.
    Take the Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire in Northouse (2016) on pages 218-219.  Next, ask two people who are familiar with your leadership to complete the Servant Leadership
    Questionnaire in Northouse (2016) on pages 250-252 and share their responses with you.  They will
    assess your level of servant leadership.  Respond to the following questions:
    1. Describe the findings of both skill assessments.
    2. For Authentic Leadership, how did your scores compare to your expectations?
    3. For Servant Leadership, how did the perception of your servant leadership compare to what you believe about yourself?
    4. Of the seven leadership behaviors of servant leaders, recall a situation where one or more of the behavior were demonstrated.
    5. Identify your weaker Authentic Leadership component, what is one way you can begin to strengthen this area of leadership?
    Reference: Northouse (2016) Leadership theory and practice (7th ed) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage publications.
    For this task I have attached Assessment taken


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Servant leadership and authentic leadership

Words: 614