Analyze and discuss the following marketing research project

Analyze and discuss the following marketing research project



To undertake this project, students will be divided into small groups of minimum 3 students and maximum 5 students.

Your group’s task is to follow the stages in the research process of Burns and Bush to design, investigate and report on the research project. The research project is to be undertaken as follows:

  1. Investigate secondary information on the proposed research project and follow the research process to step 8, culminating in the design of data collection forms – i.e. a survey questionnaire. Steps 1 to 6 must be based around the use of a questionnaire to be used by each student in order to gather data.
  2. Write up your work as you go and submit your proposal into Turnitin on Week 6, which covers steps 1 to 8, and includes in an appendix a copy of a ready-to-go survey. Your submission should also include an SPSS database set up with all variables from the survey defined but excluding any data at this stage.
  3. During week 7 and 8, semi-depth interviews using the questionnaire are to be undertaken, by each student in each group. The final version of master questionnaire will be used and each questionnaire is to include an Information and informed Consent Form. The fabrication of surveys is a form of academic cheating for which serious consequences apply. Each student is to collect data from at least 5 respondents.
  4. At the tutorial on Week 9 (TBC), the data from the completed surveys need to be entered into the SPSS database. At the end of this tutorial, students are to upload their data into Turnitin. All responses for the entire class will then be consolidated into the one master database.
  5. At the following tutorial on Week 10 (TBC) if not earlier, the final master database will be available on the LMS for each group for analysis using SPSS.
  6. Each group is to then complete the last of the steps in the marketing research process. The final report is to combine the part completed earlier and submitted on Week 6 (covering steps 1 to 8) with the results from the remaining steps (9 to 11). The final report is due on Week 11 (TBC).


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