Consumer Behavior Discussion prompt.

Consumer Behavior Discussion prompt.

Subject is Consumer Behaviour.

1. Analyse (break down and examine) and illustrate with your own examples the 5-stage
decision-making process. Make sure to justify each stage and illustrate with clear reference
to the example(s) chosen.

2. Critically evaluate marketing ethics and social responsibility/ethical marketing and the
principles that should be followed. Give at least 3 examples of unethical practices and
explain them.

3. Clearly point out the differences between green marketing (and greenwashing define both
practices first). Contrast and compare, as well as illustrate both with examples.

4. Critically evaluate the reasons behind the occurrence of motivational conflict. Illustrate all
the three scenarios with your own clear example for each.

5. Critically differentiate between low- and high-involvement consumer decisions, taking all
the relevant factors into consideration, and give your own examples (based on your own
consumer behaviour) for both types of effort. Consider the role of feeling-based decision
making in both as well.

6. Case study: customer segmentation
Jave Cosmetics company is in the cosmetics and fragrances business. For some time, the
company was following the product concept of marketing and catered only to their existing
customers, while paying no attention to the changing needs and demands of the consumers.
A marketing graduate, Vivian, has recently joined the company and has advised the
company about necessary changes that have to be made on the basis of changing tastes
and preferences of consumers, as well as segmentation, in order to successfully sell the
company`s product range and improve its image and standing. She has modernised the
products to a certain extent and devoted some extra budget to packaging and product line
diversification, taking income and other socio-economic factors affecting consumer decisions
into consideration. However, so far, the product manager and sales manager are not quite
happy with the efforts made by her. Even after 6 months of implementation of the suggested
changes the company has not been able to achieve any effective growth in sales. Both
managers are of the opinion that although some progress has been made due to Vivian’s
contribution, yet many important factors affecting consumer behaviour have still been
neglected and should be researched and accounted for in the company’s marketing strategy
and new advertising campaigns as well.
Questions related to the case study:
6a) Do you agree with the product manager and the sales manager? If yes/no, why?
Justify your answer at length.
6b) Were the changes implemented the right ones in the first place? Why yes/no?
Justify your answer at length.
6c) What other factors should be considered? Elaborate in detail on all those factors.
In your answer, refer also to customer segmentation and customer typology (various
types of buyer).
In your answers, refer to a specific geographical region and culture you are most familiar with.

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