Write an essay about the meaning of life for the modern man.

Write an essay about the meaning of life for the modern man.


Weber finds that modern science produces “the disenchantment of the world” as explained on pages
12-13, through its rational and calculative method. Weber then starts to worry that some may be
bothered that there is no longer any meaning in science. He then remarks that others, such as Tolstoy,
worry whether death, or life itself, have any meaning for civilized man today. Weber gives Tolstoy’s
reasoning on page 13. Is this Tolstoy’s reason? If so, why, how? Abraham’s life had meaning, how, why?
Yet this is no longer true for modern civilized man, who can often be “tired of life”, but not fulfilled by it
(p.13). Weber also contrasts this view of the meaning of life with Plato’s view on pages 13-14. Why is
Plato’s view of life one that has meaning, how does Plato find meaning in a life well lived?

Weber recapitulates his confrontation with Tolstoy on page 17. “Science is meaningless because it has
no answer to the only questions that matter to us: What should we do? How should we live?” Does the
fact/ value distinction Weber remarks on have any bearing on this issue? Does the return to a mode of
value “polytheism of values”, or what he labels “the warring gods” (27-30) have any bearing on this
issue of meaning for Weber?

You may or may not present the views of Weber in your essay. You should present how Tolstoy presents
the meaning of life in the story of Ivan’s life and death. In particular, show how Ivan finds his answer
through his conversation with “the voice of his soul” on pages 83-91.

Your task is to formulate a question from these texts and then answer that question. Present your
answer as a thesis statement and provide evidence and reasons for your answer. You may provide your
own answers, but be sure to also provide the response that Tolstoy includes in his story of Ivan’s life and

word limit: 1960