What things do you think are necessary for a person to flourish?

Pre-read Reflection Questions: We begin our last methodology, Catholic social teaching, next
week. The purpose of this exercise is to get you to begin to think through the concepts and
values that we are going to discuss. We will revisit these questions again after covering the
method. You will be graded on the extent to which you thoughtfully and thoroughly explain
what you think about each of the questions below.
In class we have discussed that every ethical methodology has an anthropology, or way of
understanding what it means to be human, underlying its values.
1. In class we have discussed that every ethical methodology has an anthropology, or way
of understanding what it means to be human, underlying its values. How would you
describe to someone what your anthropology is? What do you think is the ultimate
purpose of human existence?

2. What things do you think are necessary for a person to flourish?

3. Do you think that every person, no matter their station or situation in life, deserves to
be treated with dignity and respect? Explain.

4. What duties, if any, do you think that people have toward the communities in which
they live, work and participate?

5. What duties, if any, do you think that communities have for individuals in their midst?

6. Do you think that employers have responsibilities/duties to their employees? Why or
why not.

7. Do you think that employees have responsibilities/duties to their employers?

8. What are all of the reasons you can think of for why poverty exists?

9. What groups, organizations, individuals have a responsibility to help the poor? Explain.

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