What Next for next-generation Millennials?

What Next for next-generation Millennials?

An assignment that compares media thinking with journal articles and explores opportunities. The word count is 1,500 words (+/-). This word count excludes diagrams, images, pictures, tables and charts and references. Be creative. Make it an informative read. Use graphics and visuals to support arguement – not words.

These are not directions. They offer suggestions about how to approach the assignment. Do not feel restricted by them! Be Creative!

You may choose to address this assignment in three parts. Regardless, you are asked to take a critical, evidenced and balanced look at an emerging marketing concept and explore what it may tell us about future opportunities to target new groups of consumers.

You are being asked to compare media views with recognized academic sources to come up with an evidenced perspective on the next generation of consumers.

The first part of the task asks you to look at popular media and explore and map the sources they use, the evidence they offer and the validity of the argument that are used to describe “millennials”. Use this to build a customer profile of who a next-generation Millennial is or will be – according to your media sources.

The second task asks you to undertake research using peer-group review journals to establish current academic thinking of this same new generation of consumers. You should begin by looking at different definitions, the different study approaches and the different meanings attributed by the authors to millennials.

The third part is to build a profile (identity) of a next-generation cohort. This is your most important section. You are now asked to compare and contrast popular media with recognised sources. Use this final section to conclude where the weaknesses in the argument are and to draw out how you would go about marketing a future. A key element will be for you to reflect on what the research and reading mean for your cohort.

Requirements: 1500

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What Next for next-generation Millennials?

word limit:1623