What is the Categorical Imperative and how can it be applied?

 What is the Categorical Imperative and how can it be applied?

Please answer each of these questions in a substantial paragraph. Be sure that you have a clear topic sentence for each paragraph. Each answer is worth 10% of the total exam grade.

  • Consider Kantian Ethics. What is the Categorical Imperative and how can it be applied?
  • Jimmy is tempted to plagiarize on an exam. Why would Kant tell him that he is wrong to do so?
  • What is the Utilitarian Maxim? How do you apply it? Does it justify any and all pleasure-seeking?
  • Mill differentiates higher pleasures from lower pleasures. Please discuss the difference he suggests.


Part Two: Long Essay

Please write an essay of five or so substantial paragraphs with a clear thesis statement and well-reasoned claims. Excellent essays will cite evidence from the course material. This essay is worth 60% of your exam grade.


How does Descartes prove the Cogito? Why is this significant? Consider the method of argumentation, the claims Descartes makes about knowledge, and how he constructs his argument. Be clear about Descartes’ claims concerning the senses, the possibility of dreaming, and the evil genius.

Requirements:   |   .doc file | MLA | Essay | 3 pages, Double spaced

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