What impact did the slave trade have on the black experience during 1400 until the 1800s?
Writing Prompt:
In the first half of this course, we have considered the African diaspora from 1400 until the 1800s. Drawing on the assigned readings (including websites) and lectures, what impact did the slave trade have on the black experience during this period? You must cite these readings. Any form of citation is acceptable, as long as it is clear which readings you are referencing. No outside sources. Please also include a bibliography.
Readings are:
* Woodson, Miseducation of the Negro: Introduction, Preface, Chapters 1-3 http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/misedne.html
* Martha Biondi’s book, The Black Revolution on Campus.
* Gomez, Reversing Sail, Chapters 1-6
* Yaa Gyasi Homegoing (2016).
Word Count: 1000 words, minimum.
Rubric is attached
Please Highlight the thesis statement and add outline.
please use the readings I provided, no outside sources please.
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