What are the differences in treating adults than adolescents ?

What are the differences in treating adults than adolescents ?

Question1 Reading attached

Taffel (2014) takes a departure from the usual intake, what are your thoughts with this more casual approach? Discuss some of the suggestions he recommends in meeting with the adolescent client for the first time. Were there any suggestions or points you disagreed with?

Question2 Reading Below

The assigned reading for this discussion is a classic article from Winnicott (1949) Hate in the Countertransference. Please do your best to digest the themes Winnicott presents in this article as it’s foundational in how we approach our clients. My hope is that this article will cause a shift in how you perceive your role as therapist. Please read the introduction by Glen Gabbard, MD as he sets the stage for understanding the context of the article.


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treating adolescents vs adults

Word limit : 236