Use of Artificial Intelligence in Augmentation of selves

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Augmentation of selves

Order Summary

Type of assignment:Essay

Academic level:University Level, Bachelor’s

Referencing style:Harvard

Subject:Other / Non-applicableClient country:United Kingdom (UK English)

Assignment extract:

– Analysing the selected topic critically, using relevant theoretical and contextual perspectives and debates. You will need to show how you draw upon and engage with relevant literature and debates in your analysis.
– Argument in the research and how it is positioned in the wider academic and social debates.
– Application of appropriate writing and presentation skills

Question: ‘If a machine is expected to be infallible, it cannot also be intelligent.’ Alan Turing

With reference to your own examples, discuss how contemporary cultural examples (examples of contemporary media) are speculating about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the virtualization, augmentation and production of ‘bots’ and robot selves.

Essay Criteria

  • Analysing the selected topic critically, using relevant theoretical and contextual perspectives and debates. You will need to show how you draw upon and engage with relevant literature and debates in your analysis.
  • Argument in the research and how it is positioned in the wider academic and social debates.
  • Application of appropriate writing and presentation skills (3000 word limit)


  • Current and topical debates in media and communication studies
  • AI and social networks
  • Tay (Microsoft’s twitter chatbot)
  • Turings question ‘can machines think?’
  • Human consciousness vs. AI
  • Impact on personhood


Fernández, M. (1999). Postcolonial Media Theory. Art Journal, 58(3), pp.58-73.

Metzinger, T. (2009). The Ego Tunnel: The Science of the Mind and the Myth of the Self. p.Chapter 7.

Millican, P. and Clark, A. (1996). Machines and thought-The legacy of Alan Turing.. Oxford: Clarendon Press.



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