Understanding Coordination of Eyes and Brain in a Frog: Draft

Understanding Coordination of Eyes and Brain in a Frog: Draft

Peer Review Guidelines

Before beginning the Peer Review, please review the two links below for how to access peer reviews. Remember, you will not be able to do this part until May 24th


  • Before doing any peer review, make sure to review the entire presentation submitted by your peer.
  • Open a new document to to gather your comments and feedback.
  • Re-read the assignment and consider the following, noting your thoughts and any feedback you wish to share with the author.
  • Remember: You are reviewing a draft of a presentation, not editing spelling mistakes and grammar. Focus on content, structure, organization of ideas, quality of information. Use the corresponding rubric to provide feedback that will help the author improve their final project.

Requirements: OTHER | Research Paper | 2 pages, Double spaced

Answer preview:

word limit:628