Which type of pollution would be the most manageable at the individual level?

Which type of pollution would be the most manageable at the individual level?

Please watch the videos to answer the following

Of these three types of pollution, which type of pollution do you believe you could influence most? Which type of pollution would be the most manageable at the individual level? Explain your reasoning.

So you need to have a response that is two (2) parts and two (2) paragraphs.

1.Answer the question providing the evidence on which you based your response – Of these three types of pollution, which type of pollution do you believe you could influence most?

In other words, this question asks you to consider the effects of personal consumption patterns and lifestyle on positive and negative change in the health of our global environment.

2.Answer the question providing the evidence on which you based your response – Which type of pollution would be the most manageable at the individual level?


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