Topic: Comparing Oran to Seattle. Who is as heroic as Dr. Rieux?

Topic: Comparing Oran to Seattle. Who is as heroic as Dr. Rieux?

Topic: Comparing Oran to Seattle. Who is as heroic as Dr. Rieux?
Pages: 6 pages. Double-spaced. Deadline: To be announced.

Part 1: p.1-3.
1. Comparing Oran to Seattle population:
Oran (pop. 200,000) is like the size of Tacoma rather than Seattle (740,000). But we are more familiar with our city. Also you may have to speak generally of the Washington state if the Coronavirus data does not breakdown into cities and counties.
Pay attention to these 3 counties: King county (20% of WA), Snohomish county (Everett, 10% of WA), Pierce county (Tacoma, 10% of WA).

2. Comparing Coronavirus statistics:
Oran has about 300 death per week. Similar to North Carolina (Not Colorado nor Utah nor Idaha). Please double check for my numbers may be outdated!

3. Comparing Epidemic policy:
How much lockdown? Schools? Restaurants? Café? Hospitals overloaded?
Also mass transportation. Train? Airport? Harbor?
Also reaction of general society. Please give at least 2 similarities and 2 differences in your comparison.

Part 2: p.4-6.
Who is as heroic as Dr. Rieux in The Plague?
1. Joseph Grand, the city clerk.
2. Raymond Rambert, the journalist who got stuck in Oran.
3. Father Paneloux, the priest.
4. Jean Tarrou, the businessman and organizer.

Please choose one character that you deem to be a positive model in the novel. Highlight two aspects of the character that you appreciate and commend. Highlight another two aspects that you think is shortcoming of the person.

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