Ted talk discussion-Hip Hop, Grit, and Academic Success

Ted talk discussion-Hip Hop, Grit, and Academic Success


For our TED Talk discussion this week, please watch the following video where we continue the discussion on grit and academic success. This impassioned talk, Bettina Love, professor of Education, explains how students who identify with Hip Hop culture have been ignored or deemed deficient in schools because of mainstream misconceptions associated with Hip Hop culture. Through Hip Hop, these students embody the characteristics of grit, social and emotional intelligence, and the act improvisation – all of which are proven to be predictors for academic success.


Once you have watched it, please respond to the following questions:

  1. What is Love’s thesis or main argument of her talk?
  2. What are three specific details or quotes from the talk that support her thesis? Why did they stand out to you or why are they significant?
  3. Who do you think is Love’s audience? What do you think her purpose is?
  4. What was your biggest takeaway or AHA moment from the video? Why did it stick with you or why do you think it’s important?
  5. How does what Love claims in her talk connect with any of the previous readings or videos we have covered in this unit? Remember to be specific when answering this question.


  • Your initial response should be 200-300 words per question.

Answer preview:

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