Write about a change in the way you consume a particular product, like a favorite album or book

Write about a change in the way you consume a particular product, like a favorite album or book

You can write about a change in the way you consume a particular product, like a favorite album or book. You can also think more broadly. For instance, you can write about changes in the way you consume all printed material … or all movies … or all music. You can also consider the way you consume news or learn about what’s going on in the world.

I’m looking for 250-300 words demonstrating that you’ve put real thought into the way technology has transformed our culture and your personal media consumption. Along with detailing the change that you have noticed, please provide your opinions on that change. Do you view the “new normal” as a good thing or are you nostalgic about the way things used to be? Do you have any predictions for the future? If so, are you looking forward to these changes?

Once you’ve written your piece, file it under “Class Blog – Week 3 – Reflecting on Technology” (under the blog link on BB).


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Word: 250