Thematic Analysis

Thematic Analysis of the Film, Chinatown

Thematic Analysis of the Film, Chinatown Select a movie from AFI’s 10 Top 10 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. lists and explain how three cinematic techniques and/or design elements have helped establish a major theme in that film. Note: While you are allowed to choose a film that does not come from the AFI … Read more

Thematic Analysis of the Film “Field of Dreams”

Thematic Analysis of the Film “Field of Dreams” The focus of these reflections and discussions will be the Themes of the films, not the plots.This means you are to reflect on what the film was about, not what happened in it. Write a 1-2 page reflection paper on one of the themes. The papers will focus on how the theme … Read more

Thematic Analysis of the Film “Field of Dreams”

Thematic Analysis of the Film “Field of Dreams” The focus of these reflections and discussions will be the Themes of the films, not the plots.This means you are to reflect on what the film was about, not what happened in it. Write a 1-2 page reflection paper on one of the themes. The papers will focus on how the theme … Read more