statistical analysis

Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: Distinguish between independent and dependent samples. Identify the criteria for constructing a t test. Explain the purpose of a one-way analysis of variance. Distinguish ANOVA from t test. Compare and contrast correlation and regression. Explain the purpose of regression analysis. Course outcome: HS312-2: Selects the appropriate statistical test for a given scenario. … Read more

Discussion Board and Reply to Two Peers

Discussion Board and Reply to Two Peers This Discussion explores three common types of statistical analysis. You have been assigned a topic according to the first letter of your last name (M). Please identify the topic assigned to you below. For each topic, find a health-based example of it in a published research study or … Read more

The Six Sigma Approach to Operation Management

The Six Sigma Approach to Operation Management Six Sigma  Six Sigma is a continuous improvement strategy that aids an organization in identifying, reducing, and eliminating defects from any product, process, or transaction. When using Six Sigma, a solution is not generally known at the beginning but becomes clear through use of the Six Sigma strategy. … Read more