
Locke and Plato on a Legitimate Government

Locke and Plato on a Legitimate Government Topic 4:  Locke suggests that a government is legitimate only if people consent to it. Plato insists that a government is legitimate only if it pursues goodness and justice. Write an essay that explicates these two views of legitimacy and explain which view is most persuasive, and why. … Read more

Political Science Question- Plato’s Critique of Democracy

Political Science Question- Plato’s Critique of Democracy Instructions: Choose ONE of the following topics. Write an essay on the questions it raises, trying to produce a single, integrated paper with a clearly developed line of argument, even though the topic may consist of several distinct quotations and questions. Support your argument with lots of evidence … Read more

Explain and illustrate Plato’s distinction between a “knack” and a “craft.”

Explain and illustrate Plato’s distinction between a “knack” and a “craft.” 1.Explain why Ryle believes there is a fundamental difference between "knowing how " and "knowing that " using an example. 2. Explain and illustrate Plato’s distinction between a “knack” and a “craft.” 3. Calicles claims that “the superior should take by force what belongs … Read more

A view point of the good life: Plato vs. Aristotle

A view point of the good life: Plato vs. Aristotle Thesis statement: It is commonly supposed that there is a difference between the viewpoint of Plato and Aristotle of the “good life” to distinguish both mindsets, and extract ideas behind it. I. Aristotle’s view of good life A. The people’s general belief system B. Maximizing … Read more

Melinda would like to convince Melissa on rational grounds that souls exist.

Melinda would like to convince Melissa on rational grounds that souls exist. Plato Melinda would like to convince Melissa on rational grounds that souls exist. What aspects of Plato’s “defense” of the existence of the soul might Melinda use? What argument(s) would Melinda make? Why? How would Melissa respond to Melinda’s argument(s)? What weaknesses in … Read more

Comparisons of the Religions and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

Comparisons of the Religions and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave Short essays- you may use parenthetical citations for the Main text and the Reader as follows: (MT p. number) or Reader p. number). If you use a secondary source please include a works cited page including citation of this source in body of the paper. … Read more