
Provide a short summary of the podcast

Provide a short summary of the podcast Provide a short summary of the podcast. What stuck out to you?Reflect on what your personal threshold is- is it high or low? Listen to Revisionist History podcast by Malcolm Gladwell, episode 3.… How do you know? Response should be at least 200 words. be more liberal and … Read more

What you think your personal leadership styles are?

What you think your personal leadership styles are? What you think your personal leadership styles are?For this assignment, you are asked to determine your own personal leadership style. Start by taking the self-assessment from the MindTools website: ( Next, complete the required Goleman reading. Develop an understanding of your leadership style. Goleman, D. (2000, March-April). Leadership … Read more

Describe what you think your personal leadership styles

Describe what you think your personal leadership styles Describe what you think your personal leadership styles.For this assignment, you are asked to determine your own personal leadership style. Start by taking the self-assessment from the MindTools website: ( Next, complete the required Goleman reading. Develop an understanding of your leadership style. Goleman, D. (2000, March-April). Leadership … Read more

The Sovereignty of Good in Ignatian Journal

The Sovereignty of Good in Ignatian Journal The Sovereignty of Good in Ignatian Journal.This is a One Page Ignatian/personal reflective journal. See Sample Ignatian Journal . My journal should follow this type of format so to speak. The sample journal is just that a Sample/Example of what the instructor wants from me the student. Identify … Read more