
External element that impact hospitality industry

External element that impact hospitality industry Choose one element in the external legal environment that impacts your chosen industry(hospitality) either favorably or unfavorably. Please describe this element in detail and if you believe this will be a long term or short term impact and if this poses an opportunity or a threat to your industry segment. APA … Read more

External Environment  that impacts  Hospitality Industry

External Environment  that impacts  Hospitality Industry Choose one element in the external environmental/natural environment that impacts your chosen industry(hospitality) either favorably or unfavorably. Please describe this element in detail and if you believe this will be a long-term or short-term impact and if this poses an opportunity or a threat to your industry segment. SIG Discussion … Read more

Elements of Technological Environment Impacting the Hospitality Sector

Elements of Technological Environment Impacting the Hospitality Sector Choose one element in the technological environment that impacts your chosen industry(hospitality) either favorably or unfavorably. Please describe this element in detail and if you believe this will be a long-term or short-term impact and if this poses an opportunity or a threat to your industry segment. APA Answer … Read more

 Discuss External Economic Environment 

 Discuss External Economic Environment  Choose one element in the external economic environment that impacts your chosen industry(Food & Beverage or Hospitality) either favorably or unfavorably. Please describe this element in detail and if you believe this will be a long-term or short-term impact and if this poses an opportunity or a threat to your industry segment. APA … Read more

Discussion questions about Hospitality

Discussion questions about Hospitality First: you will compare and contrast HR functions in your chosen country with the USA. Choose 3 different HR functions from the following list: recruitment, orientation, training, supervision, compensation and benefits, human resources development, performance evaluation, and/or discharge and describe how they may be the same or different in your chosen … Read more

Introduction to the Customer Experience – Internal Marketing Case Study

Introduction to the Customer Experience – Internal Marketing Case Study Assignment Question Resorts throughout Las Vegas have been evaluated on their response to the Covid-19 closures. Complete research on a major resort company with properties in Las Vegas. Select one hospitality/gaming company from the list below and review the company’s safety and health response to … Read more

Discuss the technology innovation issues in OYO

Discuss the technology innovation issues in OYO You will be responsible for providing an in-depth look at the current issue in hospitality topic you previously selected and was approved by your instructor. This paper will expand on the topic beyond the issue justification you’ve already completed. At a minimum, this justification should address: 1. The … Read more

Describe hospitality industry in Australia

Describe hospitality industry in Australia. Describe hospitality industry in Australia.You are to collate a business portfolio for your chosen hospitality or tourism business. You are not able to use the business from assessment 2. Your portfolio should include coverage of all elements of the business and must include a future Integrated Marketing Campaign and a … Read more