hospitality management

Explain what is hоsрitаlity mаnаgеmеnt

Explain what is hоsрitаlity mаnаgеmеnt НОSРITАLITY MАNАGЕMЕNT- MОNITОR WОRK ОРЕRАTIОNS You are the manager at the Ocean view hotel. During the last 4 weeks the numbers of patronsduring dinner service on Wednesdays to Fridays have doubled. Although this is good news forthe operation, there have been associated with this a number of operational issues which … Read more

How to implement work health and safety services in hospitality management.

How to implement work health and safety services in hospitality management Referring  as a restaurant manager in South Australia, answer in detail the below queries; Questions 1. Under the WHS legislation there are 5 situations when a person conducting a business or undertaking (employer) must consult with workers. Name 3 of them. 2. List 4 … Read more