homo sapiens

Discussion on homo sapiens on Arabian peninsula.

Discussion on homo sapiens on Arabian peninsula. When we think of modern humans we often think of specific physical features along with cultural and linguistic attributes that define us. There are many things that we were not able to cover in this class that relate to our species. For this discussion board I would like … Read more

Discussion Topic: Philosophy of moral objectivity

Discussion Topic: Philosophy of moral objectivity Assignment Description Choose one of the following topics and write a single-spaced essay of at least 2000 words. Your introduction and conclusion, if any, should be no more than two sentences each. I discourage you from doing any research beyond extremely careful reading of the assigned texts. The goals … Read more

Write an essay about Early Homo sapiens migration

Write an essay about Early Homo sapiens migration The fossil and genomic record tell us that our species originated in Africa around 200,000 years ago (These numbers might now go back further). The first 100,000 years were spent in Africa and soon after our species began to expand into different world regions. WHAT YOU ARE … Read more

Describe Homo Sapiens and Homo Neanderthals

Describe Homo Sapiens and Homo Neanderthals If we maintain a strict biological definition of “species”, H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis were NOT separate species as they successfully interbred. What impact might this information have on assigning a date to the origin of humans? Does this change your definition of “human”? Why or why not? word limit:502  

Describe the evolution of human kind.

Describe the evolution of human kind. Course Learning Objective: To be able to describe, explain, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the evolution of humankind, Homo sapiens, and their culture. Flexible Core Learning Outcomes: Evaluate evidence and arguments critically or analytically. Produce well-reasoned written or oral arguments using evidence to support conclusions. Using the supplementary videos and … Read more

Write an essay about ABO blood types.

Write an essay about ABO blood types. Late Pleistocene Homo For years we have been able to analyze the fossils of extinct humans like those of Neanderthals. Their bones gave us clues to how they looked, how they lived, and how they might be related to us. In the last few years, we have been … Read more

Discuss about Fossil and genetic history in modern history.

Discuss about Fossil and genetic history in modern history. The fossil and genomic record tell us that our species originated in Africa around 200,000 years ago (These numbers might now go back further). The first 100,000 years were spent in Africa and soon after our species began to expand into different world regions. What you … Read more