
Hominins News Article

Hominins News Article One of the main characteristics that defines the hominin tribe are their bipedal tendencies. However, as you have noted in reading for this week’s assignments, not all hominins had the same bipedal capabilities. Early hominins can be defined as being at various stages of transitioning into bipedalism while later forms are obligate … Read more

Homo Specific Adaptations

Homo Specific Adaptations Homo: The Humans During the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition the Homo genus appeared in the fossil record. The Homo genus is a a continuation of the Gracile Australopithecines. Like those that came before, Homo is an obligate biped, but unlike its precursors Homo displays a unique set of physical adaptations along with behaviors that … Read more

Explain Locomotor Strategies of Ardipithecus and Australopithecus

Explain Locomotor Strategies of Ardipithecus and Australopithecus The Hominins Beginning in the late Miocene and into the early Pliocene, upright walking tendencies began to develop among the hominin tribe. Upright walking tendencies slowly transformed into obligate bipedalism during the pliocene within the hominin lineage. This shift in locomotor strategy is notably marked by the gradual … Read more

Various anatomical changes characterized the Hominins evolution

Various anatomical changes characterized the Hominins evolution Beginning in the late Miocene and into the early Pliocene, upright walking tendencies began to develop among the hominin tribe. Upright walking tendencies slowly transformed into obligate bipedalism during the pliocene within the hominin lineage. This shift in locomotor strategy is notably marked by the gradual change in … Read more