health industry.

Discussion Board and Reply to Peers

Discussion Board and Reply to Peers This course was built around six major objectives, which are listed in the syllabus. Now that the course is complete, please consider which objective has been easiest for you to achieve and which has been the most challenging. Explain your thoughts. What is one way you can apply one … Read more

Assignment: Creating a Frequency Distribution from Collected Data

 Assignment: Creating a Frequency Distribution from Collected Data Unit outcomes: Identify and apply common types of variables and measurement scales. Create and examine a frequency distribution. Course outcome: HS311-2: Research the types of data and organization of data within the health industry. In your own words, briefly describe the purpose and utility of a frequency distribution. … Read more

Responses concerning disruptive innovations.

Responses concerning disruptive innovations. When it comes to being a provider, there is an array of skill sets that they must process to be acknowledged as providers. The healthcare industry is full of disruptive innovations that have corrupted the needed skillsets to be a provider. A person must possess the skills of being able to … Read more

Research on The Rising Costs of Healthcare

Research on The Rising Costs of Healthcare Closely review the section in our syllabus entitled, “Guidelines for the Capstone Research Paper.” From this section in our syllabus, your topic must fit in one of the “Description of Issues in Healthcare” categories under #1 (System, Clinical, Organizational, or Policy). I suggest that you begin your outline … Read more