
Political Science Question- Plato’s Critique of Democracy

Political Science Question- Plato’s Critique of Democracy Instructions: Choose ONE of the following topics. Write an essay on the questions it raises, trying to produce a single, integrated paper with a clearly developed line of argument, even though the topic may consist of several distinct quotations and questions. Support your argument with lots of evidence … Read more

Write a discussion about American elections.

Write a discussion about American elections. Discussion prompt: It is proven that Americans vote much less often and in lower numbers than citizens in other parts of the developed world. What accounts for this lack of engagement in the political system? What effect could this have on democracy as a whole? Propose some changes that … Read more

Discuss the Peremptory Challenge and Racial Discrimination in the Judicial System

Discuss the Peremptory Challenge and Racial Discrimination in the Judicial System Explain how the peremptory challenge can be used in ways that would represent individual, contextual, and institutional racism. Discuss whether you feel the Batson hearing is sufficient to combat these concerns, or should the United States abolish the peremptory challenge? words limit: 754 words

Addresses the issue of disenfranchisement

Addresses the issue of disenfranchisement The question this week addresses the issue of disenfranchisement. This means either an actual bar to voting or an affect on their ability to vote. You should consider this both in the macro and micro perspectives. If you are poor, can’t afford a car or have to work two jobs, … Read more

Discuss the Declining participation in democratic process hypothesis

Discuss the Declining participation in democratic process hypothesis Develop a rough and ready theory of declining participation in democratic process. Taking any case that you choose, or reviewing democracy in general, brainstorm to come up with some hypotheses that help to explain why is there a general trend of declining participation in democratic process. The dependent … Read more