
Experiential Learning Opportunity Memo

Experiential Learning Opportunity Memo Watch ONE of the talks listed below and write a 1-2 page paper on the experience. Include a 1-2 paragraph summary (use your senses and take notes while participating in the ELO if possible), 1 paragraph analysis (how does this relate to topics/ themes from CAP 200), and a 1-paragraph reflection (what … Read more

Ocean for Covid19 response

Ocean for Covid19 response During these past three months, covid-19 had affected many lives in the United States. This dangerous virus killed the amount of 110,000 U.S. citizens in a short period of time. This caused many citizens to be frighten of the disease and accepting these new changes. However, there were some pro’s and … Read more

Explain International Trade and Investment

Explain International Trade and Investment Compare alternative organizational structures for international operations. Discuss current management practices and principles used in the current global business environment. Discuss strategies organizations can pursue for international market expansion. Summarize the opportunities and risks of doing business in foreign countries. Use effective communication techniques. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board … Read more

Explain Elasticity and Inelasticity of Demand.

Explain Elasticity and Inelasticity of Demand. Find an article from a news source, and explain in a paragraph or so how the article relates elasticity and inelasticity of demands. Explain what are the determinants of elasticity and inelasticity demands. Everything should be linked to the article news that you choose and should relate to the … Read more

Discuss about Portfolio of P.E.S.T. Issues.

Discuss about Portfolio of P.E.S.T. Issues. Portfolio of P.E.S.T. Issues – Assessment Briefing Title: Portfolio of P.E.S.T. Issues Due Date: Friday in Week 6 of semester before 5pm Melbourne time. Late submission penalties will apply. Weight: 30% Length: 2,000 words (+/-10%). the word limit does not include references, appendices, and illustrations. This assignment follows the … Read more

Discuss the Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Business Environment.

Discuss the Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Business Environment. Mini proposal of a dissertation Instructions: Using the feedback that has been given throughout the term, please write a concept paper. The concept paper is similar to a mini-proposal that one would do for a dissertation/project proposal. The paper should include the following elements: general and … Read more

Memoir Essay

Memoir Essay As you reflect on the events of this year, particularly the history-making Covid 19 pandemic, I want you to pretend that you are in your old age, and you’re writing a memoir, looking back at this time in your life. Tell your readers what the experience was like for you, how it changed … Read more