business leadership

Business Leadership and Human Values Reflection

Business Leadership and Human Values Reflection Business Leadership and Human Values As this course closes, please reflect on what you are taking away from this term. The following questions are suggestions and you may also expand on anything else that you found meaningful in the readings, discussions, or your exploration of your own moral compass. … Read more

Essay- Conscientious Capitalism

Essay- Conscientious Capitalism Theme Critical Reflections Theme: Conscientious Capitalism Throughout this assignment you will be asked to engage critically with the theme, which requires not only reading/viewing the background materials but reflecting on how they relate to your own values, experiences, and growth as a business leader. Instead of looking at this as just an … Read more

Write a reflection of your own experience in the course

Write a reflection of your own experience in the course Assignment. In approximately 1 page, please answer the following prompt. • What was the most meaningful course material to you and why? Were you able to connect it to your general academic major beyond this course? How did this material help to demonstrate that literature can … Read more