
How Primary Sources help you build an argument

How Primary Sources help you build an argument This week you will be learning primary sources can tell us about the enslavement of African descended people in the United States. Lectures, video, clips, speeches and so much more can count as a primary source. (Links to an external site.) This week you have three pieces that count … Read more

Review the Lecture for the Portfolio Project

Review the Lecture for the Portfolio Project STEP ONE: REVIEW THE MATERIALS If you are writing Theme Analysis, review the following: LiteraryArguments.pptx Minimize File Preview “How To Find a Theme” | D4Darious “How to Do Literary Analysis (It’s Easy)” | English Nerd If you are writing Rhetorical Analysis, review the following: Rhetorical Strategies.ppt … Read more

Introduction to logic and study of argument.

Introduction to logic and study of argument. the textbook used is Intro to Principles of Reasoning (Logic) 1. Define these Logical Terms or Concepts (in your own words and from the book, not using the internet): a) What is logic? ______________________________________________________________________ _ b) Deductive and Inductive: ________________________________________________________ c) Proposition: Simple Proposition and Compound Proposition: ____________________________ … Read more

Analyze one debatable claim from the Ted talk

Analyze one debatable claim from the Ted talk Over the next several weeks, you will be developing an analysis of a debatable claim. You will select a TED Talk that presents a persuasive argument on a debatable issue. Be sure to record the title, speaker information, and URL for your selected TED Talk. In a … Read more

Benefits of federal reserve membership

Benefits of federal reserve membership Begin with an introduction that defines the subject of your critique and your point of view. Defend your point of view by raising specific issues or aspects concerning the argument. You will first need to identify and explain the author’s ideas. Include specific passages that support your description of the … Read more

Annotated Articles about the Little Prince

Annotated Articles about the Little Prince Annotated Articles about the Little Prince.For this task, you must select one scholarly article related to one of the course texts from an appropriate scholarly database (such as JSTOR). Once you have chosen your article, print it out and follow the steps below: 1. Read the article at least … Read more

Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography limitations

Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography limitations Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography limitations. Use The AutoBiography of Benjamin Franklin (Dover Thrift Editions ISBN-978-0-486-290737) I would like you to make the argument that what the book is stating is not true.The paper needs to be able to compare sources. Page numbers on the paper.Please use the Paper Method .Purpose (2) Argument … Read more

Analyse the book entitled Sculpture in the Expanded Field

Analyse the book entitled Sculpture in the Expanded Field Analyse the book entitled Sculpture in the Expanded Field.Critically Analyse answering the questions written. What is the context for the essay?Who does the essay mention?What is their work like, and why is their work worth mentioning? Why did the author write the essay?What is their core argument?What … Read more