Small Group Discussion on assignments.

Small Group Discussion on assignments.


Often, students get a bit of anxiety when they get a writing assignment. It’s completely normal. In her article, “You Have a Writing Assignment, Now What?” Corrine E. Hinton attempts to help students be giving some specific and (I think) very useful suggestions.


Please read the article below:

“You Have a Writing Assignment, Now What” by Corrine E. HintonPreview the document


Answer the following questions:

  1. Think about a previous writing assignment that was a challenge for you. What strategies did you use at the time? After reading the chapter, what other strategies do you think might have been useful?
  2. Choose two verbs from the list of frequently used directive verbs (Table 1). Look up these verbs (and possible synonyms) in the dictionary and write down their definitions. If you saw these verbs in a writing assignment, what potential questions might you ask your professor in order to clarify what he/she means?
  3. What advice would you give to first year college students about writing, writing assignments, or instructor expectations? Structure this advice in the form of a guideline similar to those included in the chapter.
  4. Go in and preview our Essay 1 Prompt and break down the assignment sheet according to the advise you read. Do you have any questions on the assignment after breaking it down?


  • Your initial response should be 200-300 words per question.

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