Responses to the Impacts of Conflicts

Responses to the Impacts of Conflicts

The success of organizations depends on the implementation of strategic leadership and conflict management strategies. Conflict management procedures will involve the planning, clarification of disagreements, establishment of common goals, and discussion of the ways of meeting the common goals. Conflicts tend to affect an organization in two ways. For instance, conflict resolution and management will help an organization in understanding the implications and fundamentals of managing similar conflicts and could as well portray the weakness of the organizational management by deterring the possible success of a business institution (Anku-Tsede & Adjadogo, 2016). Conflicts tend to negatively affect an institution in various ways such as destruction of trust, cohesiveness, and uncontrollable atmosphere, creation of ineffective workgroups, reduced productivity, customer dissatisfaction, and development of animosities, communication interruption, and diminished trust among members of an organization. However, the development of conflict resolution programs helps in attaining the success factors that would facilitate the attainment of organizational objectives.

Conflicts within a workplace will create difficulties and business uncertainties. Still, the strategic leadership procedures can influence the achievement of the intended outcomes generated by the positives of crisis management strategies. Effective management of conflicts will help an organization in understanding the implications, the causes, the impacts, and the possible solutions to the conflicts. The positives of encountering organizational conflicts facilitate the processes of making viable and feasible decisions that helps an organization in attaining success factors (Kay & Skarlicki, 2020). Also, conflicts have shown the aspects of enhancing reconciliation processes, improves group unity, creates group cooperation, inspiring creativity, and innovation, attains shared and respected opinions from others, welcomes new organizational members that participated in conflict resolution, achieve an improved communication strategy, and create a room for increased productivity. Conflicts within the healthcare system have helped the health administrators in reevaluating the management programs that are crucial in enhancing the delivery of high-quality care services in attaining patient satisfaction.


Anku-Tsede, O., & Adjadogo, N. (2016). Empirical analysis of workplace conflict and its influence on the attitude of media employees in Ghana. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 17(1).

Kay, A. A., & Skarlicki, D. P. (2020). Cultivating a conflict-positive workplace: How mindfulness facilitates constructive conflict management. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.


It is well known and understood that conflict is present and will always be present within an organization. While conflict is often considered harmful to workforce morale and production within an organization (and it often times is), it can also play an important role in an organization accomplishing its goals. As stated in this weeks lecture, conflict can bring about adaptation within an organization. Adaptation is highly sought after for an organization because it allows a company to thrive and succeed by being able to overcome any situation that is thrown at it. Conflict helps an organization become adaptable by encouraging new thinking (Richards, 2019). When resolving conflict one is often asked to look from a different viewpoint (Richards, 2019). Seeing these different view point allows individuals to start a new way of thinking (Richards, 2019). This allows individuals to look at goals and figure new ways to ultimately reach them.

“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” (Hebrews 12:14-15 NIV).

God calls Christian health care administrators to handle conflict within an organization. This often means knowing what conflict is helpful and what conflict is harmful. As stated in the scripture, every effort should be made to live in peace so as long as it is ensured that the conflict does not interrupt that peace, then the conflict could be helpful.


Richards, L. (2019). How Can Conflict Be Good for an Organization?. Retrieved from…


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