What, according to Al-Farabi, is a religion?

What, according to Al-Farabi, is a religion?

1. What, according to Al-Farabi, is a religion? How, for Al-Farabi, do religions relate to philosophies? And what politicaland epistemological significance does Al-Farabi attach to religions’ use of poetical and rhetorical methods of instruction? (70%)

2. According to Avicenna: under what conditions will the human faculty of under- standing constitute a ‘material’ understanding, a ‘dispositional’ under- standing, and an ‘acquired’ understanding. Explain. (30%)

Suggested format

1st paragraph answer question 1 what is definition of religion (also explain 4 Aristotelian causes here),

2nd paragraph introduce and explain various types of religions,

3rd intro and explain various type os discourse, arts, methods, events,

4th paragraph into and explain various types of philosophies according to those discourses,

5th paragraph talk about how they are related to one another,

6th paragraph answer what is political significance of rhetorical and poetical to religions,

7th paragraph answer what is epistemological significance of rhetorical and poetical methods

(Please do not use quotations. Just appropriately cite sources throughout and in the end. No introduction necessary, No conclusion necessary either. Simply answer the questions thoroughly)


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